Survey says Python is top programming language
It's been said that programming languages are akin to religion. Engineers and developers will go out of their way to defend the use of their favorite language. (Perhaps it's more the pain of learning a new language that keeps us using the old). Surely you've seen many surveys on programming language preferences. As with all surveys, the results depend on who was asked.
IEEE recently surveyed its members, asking which languages they use. Given that IEEE represents electrical engineers, we naturally expect the results to differ from surveys taken in the software community. To EEs, software is usually a tool to make hardware work as opposed to being the product itself.
IEEE recently surveyed its members, asking which languages they use. Given that IEEE represents electrical engineers, we naturally expect the results to differ from surveys taken in the software community. To EEs, software is usually a tool to make hardware work as opposed to being the product itself.
Source: IEEE. |
IEEE has published its 2018 list of top programming languages. Python came out on top overall. Other surveys showed different results.
IEEE's survey results highlight four use categories: web, mobile, enterprise, and embedded. You can view the results for any combination of the four through an interactive results page.
IEEE's survey results highlight four use categories: web, mobile, enterprise, and embedded. You can view the results for any combination of the four through an interactive results page.
Gnassle may be wrong about that. While the IEEE survey doesn't break out Windows apps, it does break out mobile uses. There, the top five languages are C++, C, Java, C#, and JavaScript (ranked No. 1 to No. 5, respectively). But the IEEE survey doesn't specify language use for mobile apps. Perhaps some people answered mobile even though they write embedded code for cellphones or tablets. We don't know.
"To make it even odder," continued Gnassle, "in the embedded space, they rank C++ above C, but every survey refutes that — even AspenCore's!"
Gnassle has a point. AspenCore's EE Times' and's own 2017 survey contradicts that of IEEE. Not only is C well above C++, but both bury Python. According to IEEE, Python tops C and C++ even among embedded systems engineers.
To continue Gnassle's point that the results depend on who you ask, according to the TIOBE Index for August 2018, Java is on top, followed by C, C++, and then Python . TIOBE produces software for testing software.
"To make it even odder," continued Gnassle, "in the embedded space, they rank C++ above C, but every survey refutes that — even AspenCore's!"
Gnassle has a point. AspenCore's EE Times' and's own 2017 survey contradicts that of IEEE. Not only is C well above C++, but both bury Python. According to IEEE, Python tops C and C++ even among embedded systems engineers.
To continue Gnassle's point that the results depend on who you ask, according to the TIOBE Index for August 2018, Java is on top, followed by C, C++, and then Python . TIOBE produces software for testing software.
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